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四大会计师事务所招聘(网申& Open Question)

发布时间:2016/10/12  来源:北京财科学校  作者:管理员  点击数:
所谓“网申”,即Apply Online(网络在线申请),不仅四大,目前很多大公司都采用这种方式来收集简历和初步筛选应聘者。网申根据对应聘者条件的要求,采用自己设计的统一格式,除了德勤外,其他各家均要求用英文进行个人信息的录入。网申主要考察的是英文水平(一般要求通过六级)、学校(目标院校)、学习成绩(由于各地各院校GPA计算有所区别,所以成绩各地的要求和标准不具备可比性和参考价值)、获奖情况、校园活动以及社会实践经验等。对于专业方面,四大一般不做硬性要求,例如KPMG每年都会给予很大一部分理工科专业的同学参与笔试、面试以及获得OFFER的机会,其他三大给予这样的机会会稍少于KPMG,因此各家网申的通过率也会相应有所不同(KPMG网申的通过率为80%-85%左右),当然不可否认,在四大应聘过程中,具备财经专业背景的毕业生会具有一定的优势。
另外,网申还包括一些开放性的问题,即Open Question,是网申一个重要的环节,它可以衡量一个人性格、长久规划、做事情的态度等等,因为从你对待Open Question的态度就能看出一个人对待将来工作的态度,所以,希望申请四大的朋友们一定要认真对待和思考Open Question,在后面贴出各家的Open Question,供大家参考:

PWC的Open Question:
1. Why are you applying for this position?
2. Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying.
3. What community or students' clubs do you belong to and to what extent are you involved?
4. Any additional information?

E&Y的Open Question:
1. Please describe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. (Maximum 100 English words)
2. Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application. (Maximum 100 English words)

Deloitte的Open Question:
1.If you have completed a work term in a co-op, summer or intern program, please tell us about your experience and how you benefited from it. (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)
2.If you have been involved in any society, please tell us your role and achievement respectively. (Your answer is limited to 1,000 characters.)
3.Please let us know your academic and personal accomplishment(s). (Your answeris limited to 1,000 characters.)
Please copy and paste the text from your cover letter here. After pasting your cover letter, please ensure the text is readable.
4.Please copy and paste the text from your CV/resume here. After pasting your CV/resume, please ensure the text is readable.
5.Additional Information
6.Career Objectives

KPMG的Open Question:

1. Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities including sports and hobbies
2. What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?
3. What factors have influenced your career choice?
4. Outline your career ambition and objectives
5. Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expect

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